“Southern California Orthopedic Institute is the preferred orthopedic practice in the region and home to the leading experts for diagnosing and treating bone, joint, and muscle injuries and conditions as well as musculoskeletal and spinal disorders in adults and children.
Our specialty-trained team of doctors provides world-class, specialized care for the ankle, back, elbow, foot, hand, hip, knee, neck, shoulder, spine, and wrist. Additionally, our experts offer joint replacement, pain management, pediatric orthopedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and sports medicine.
Serving as the premier educator of orthopedic surgery techniques to surgeons around the world, Southern California Orthopedic Institute is headquartered in Van Nuys, with locations in Westlake Villiage, Valencia, and more.”
Our practice strives to be the global standard for the provision of musculoskeletal care by achieving excellence in patient outcomes, research, teaching, and innovative orthopaedic technology.
At Southern California Orthopedic Institute, we know that your world is waiting for you. We welcome new patients and thank our existing patients for their continued confidence in us.
With extensive knowledge, training, and experience in the orthopaedic field, Dr. Jaime D. Hernandez is here to provide you with the most up-to-date care for your hips and knees.
We pride ourselves on providing care with the same sensitivity and compassion our loved ones receive. With this in mind, our staff is dedicated to providing you with an experience that exceeds your expectations and meets your needs at every visit.
At every step of your care, you’ll know that you’re more than just a patient file. We’ll strive to provide an environment that accounts for your specific needs. We provide accessible offices and treatment rooms to customized appointment options for those with chronic conditions or anxiety. It’s all just part of making a great experience with effective treatment part of every visit.
Patient comfort will always a cornerstone of Dr. Hernandez’s philosophy to care. We look forward to serving you and your loved ones for years to come.
Southern California Orthopedic Institute is the preferred orthopedic practice in the region and for Hip and Knee Replacements, and Orthopaedic Surgery.
Our staff will contact you shortly to confirm your appointment request.
Westlake Village: 30870 Russell Ranch R, Suite 330, Westlake Village, CA 91362
Van Nuys: 6815 Noble Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91405
Valencia: 24051 Newhalll Ranch Road, Building C, Valencia, CA 91354